Skin Sugar launches website is a Los Angeles based online shop who believe in shopping vintage to avoid the fast fashion trend in clothing.


Create an online business to give their beautiful, vintage clothing finds a second life. To establish a community of like minded people and inspire them to create their own style and “misfit right in”.


Develop a website that could be customized to be as unique as the shop. Yet be easy enough to revise and update for sales and new stock.


Getting input from Sarabeth, I formatted a first round go at the web design. Working together with my understanding of  the user-interaction over the web and her design aesthetic, we successfully created a website and a branded look that fit within the budget. 



  • Designed templates to keep the website consistent and yet offer flexibility when needed
  • Created a branding identity that can be pushed out onto social media, used on print materials, and incorporated into other selling platforms
  • Set up email marketing with Mailchimp
  • Executed an email blast for leather goods with graphics that were visually reinforced when also viewed on the blog posting, social media and website home page banner



Sarabeth Fera

Logo Design:

Sarabeth Fera

Graphic Designer:

Anne Johnston Fera

Web Design:

Anne Johnston Fera